I’ve always maintained that it is so important to check in on your goals and celebrate your wins no matter how small they might seem at the time. On those days where it can feel like many things have gone wrong, you can look back at those wins and remind yourself how far you’ve come, how well you’ve done and what you did to get where you are today.
So in that spirit of celebration I’ve jotted down a series of small but significant wins I’ve had this week.
I've just finished a short project for a client and although I'm sad its ended, I'm so pleased I got to work with them (it was dream client territory).
I've also spent some time today looking back at my business and finance goals. It can be scary opening up the bank account, especially during a pandemic, but flipping heck… 6 months after I left employment to make LAVA my main source of income and I am seeing the seeds of growth.
Last month I promised myself I would try to be more creative in my work. So when a friend/colleague asked me for my help with some branding, although it felt daunting, I said yes. I’m grateful they allowed me to put my two cents in and that I was able to provide that sounding board for them as they move into a new phase of growth and I was able to see that perhaps there is some creativity in this brain of mine after all.
This week I have been battling some sort of ear infection thing/migraines and been feeling pretty rough. Like many of us stuck in lockdown, my healthy habits have fallen by the wayside. Too much gin and chocolate, and “Lockdown guilt” has meant I have barely left the house, let alone exercised or moved and I’ve been feeling sluggish and exhausted but today has left me with such a good feeling of accomplishment and pride in the work that I do and the people that I work with.