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Leeanne Adu

Chapter 2 LAVA The Agency!

Oh, hey there. Welcome to our first official update for LAVA The Agency.

The past two years have been a rollercoaster for so many of us, myself included, so here is a long overdue update of all the things that have been happening in the world of LAVA.

Firstly, I need to say a huge, huge thank you to all my clients (past and present) who have supported me, held space for me, and stuck by me throughout the past year as I dealt with my cancer diagnosis.

Coming off the back of the pandemic, it was an extremely tough year. From diagnosis to the all-clear, with chemo, surgery and radiotherapy in between. The love and care shown by you all was spectacular and I will never forget it. Thank you!

I grow, you grow, we grow together.

We all want successful businesses, but what if it happens sooner than we had planned? It can be so scary to realise our baby is growing up, getting a personality and throwing tantrums when we don’t give it what it wants.

That’s what happened with LAVA. Despite all the odds, my business has thrived for me over the past year. I began to realise that the growth I was experiencing was inevitable, and I needed to figure out how I could nurture it rather than stifle it.

I took on my own Remote PA in September 2020 as the business started to thrive. I needed someone to help me manage my admin so I could continue to help my clients with theirs. It worked wonderfully and Lizzie has given me more space to develop things.

I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t take my own advice and take on help when I needed it most. I was overwhelmed and close to burnout. We all know how I feel about trying to pour from empty cups.

I'm fully booked. I couldn't take on any more clients under my current model, so I decided it was time to expand into an agency. Thus, LAVA The Agency started to take formation.

“What is an agency model?” I hear you cry. I’ve built a small yet exceptional team of Remote Assistants which means I can take on even more exceptional clients.

My roster is full but it’s so important to me that I’m able to continue to spread the LAVA love and give as many people as possible the support they need to continue to grow their businesses with ease.

Enter Lauren and Julie. Both experienced Remote Assistants who joined the team as an extension of me to work with new clients coming on board.

Over the coming months, you will have the opportunity to get to know them both a little better and understand why they work so well with me.


Over the past year, I have been working with some amazing people. We call our clients Champions of Inclusivity. They are humans whose goal, no matter what industry they are in, is to make the world a better place.

People who care about the world we live in, who care about equity and equality, and who use their voices and talents to bring about change.

I cannot wait to showcase LAVA clients and the brilliant work they do.

How you can work with LAVA!

There are two ways to work with LAVA the Agency. Either as a client or as part of our team of Remote Assistants.

If you need support within your business. Are you feeling overwhelmed, lonely? Are you dropping balls? Then let’s have a chat. No strings attached. Book a call here. We'll talk about ways we can bring some joy back into your day.

I need reliable, experienced and passionate people who want to support others to grow and thrive. People who want to be Assistants, and want to work with a team that gives their all. If that is you, please get in touch.

So, this is me signing out for now. There is always more to come. I can’t wait for you all to come along on the journey.

With love,

Leeanne x

A photo of Leeanne looking off to the left with a small smile

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